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CV Ingenieur batiment estp

Ingenieur batiment estp

1 à 3 ans d'expérience
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Réf. BE1403040638
Né le 16/05/1990
91190 Gif-sur-yvette
1990-05-16 Male Gif-sur-yvette Ile de France France 91190 Gif-sur-yvette


English Fluent. Intensive English courses in Oxford
summers 2009 and 2013+Indonesian Fluent Family gathering
tourism. More than 20 trips to Indonesia.


Driving license

Centres d'intérêts

Travel Indonesia, Uzbekistan, UK, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Finland, Russia (homestay in Russian families in Siberia and Moscow), Romania, Oman Poland, the Philippines, UAE, other western European countries, regions of France. Sports Biking, hiking in the Alps. Reading History, geography, economics.

Ma recherche

Je recherche un CDI, sur toute la région Ile de France, dans le Bâtiment.


2010-2014 Final year student at ESTP Paris (Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du bâtiment
et de l'industrie), a leading French engineering school, pursuing a degree in Civil
Engineering. Options : International Engineering and Offshore construction.

Expériences professionnelles

2013 - Aujourd'hui
Entrepreneurship : founder of MyCorrection, a small company working on the educational field (private tuition, online correction for homeworks).
- Site foreman assistant in PT Wijaya Karya, a leading Indonesian civil company.
Working for three months on a flying over project in a suburb of Jakarta, I learned about the design of the bridge (balanced cantilever method) , supervised processes on the field (checking reinforcement, concrete quality) and attended meetings with consultants and subcontractors.
- 2012-now Mathematics, physics and chemistry private tuition for highschool students
5 weeks training period in CCU - Consultancy Company of the University of Civil
Engineering in Hanoi, Vietnam. Site visits, design of an extension of the university


English Fluent. Intensive English courses in Oxford
summers 2009 and 2013+Indonesian Fluent Family gathering
tourism. More than 20 trips to Indonesia.


Driving license

Centres d'intérêts

Travel Indonesia, Uzbekistan, UK, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Finland, Russia (homestay in Russian families in Siberia and Moscow), Romania, Oman Poland, the Philippines, UAE, other western European countries, regions of France. Sports Biking, hiking in the Alps. Reading History, geography, economics.
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